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Is God to Blame?

Product Description
Book Description Is God to blame? This is often the question that comes to mind when we confront real suffering in our own lives or in the lives of those we love.

Pastor Gregory A. Boyd helps us deal with this question honestly and biblically, while avoiding glib answers.

Writing for ordinary Christians, Boyd wrestles with a variety of answers that have been offered by theologians and pastors throughout history.

He finds that a fully Christian approach must keep the person and work of Jesus Christ at the very center of what we say about human suffering and God's place in it.

Yet this is often just what is missing and what makes so much talk about the subject seem inadequate and at times even misleading.

What comes through in Is God to Blame? is a hopeful picture of a sovereign God who is relentlessly opposed to evil, who knows our sufferings and who can be trusted to bring us through them to renewed life.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780830823949
    • Publisher: Inter Varsity Pr
    • Language of Text: English
    • ISBN 13: 9780830823949
    • ISBN 10: 0830823948
    • Publication Date: 09/09/2003
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Gregory A. Boyd
    • Page Count: 228
    • Width: 5.52 inches
    • Height: 0.62 inches
    • Length: 8.29 inches
    • Weight: 0.04 pounds

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