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Best Practices for Effective Boards

  • By E. Lebron Fairbanks, Dwight M. Gunter II, James R. Couchenour
Product Description
A local pastor.A long-standing member of not-for-profit board.A former president of a university.These three authors share their wisdom and experiences from decades of board leadership. With specific areas of expertise, they bring 3 distinctive voices and perspectives to the 12 essential principles every leader needs to develop and maintain a healthy governing board.Best Practices for Effective Boards challenges your board to become the most effective, God-honoring body to ever serve your organization. Regardless of the size of your board or the organizations that you serve, you can benefit from the principles outlined in this book. The starting point is clear and the path is systematically laid before you, helping to transform your vision, strategy, and future. No matter where you start, you can develop your board into a strong and effective body working toward a future of growth and development.Reviews'Board development is one of the most important, if not difficult tasks for any organization or leader. Without an effective board an organization is unstable and its leader is unaccountable. These three gifted and respected leaders offer some of the best advice available for grounding and advancing a mission through the development of effective boards.'-Tom Nees, President of Lead to Serve'There is no question that any leader will benefit from the thoughtful Best Practice compilation. Looking back on my own career there are many places where I could have applied the principles and ended up more effective and productive. We all should be thankful for the diligence of the authoring team.'-Richard Schubert, Executive VP, Executive Coaching Network, Inc.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780834128347
    • Publisher: Beacon Hill Pr
    • Language of Text: English
    • ISBN 13: 9780834128347
    • Publication Date: 06/01/2012
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: E. Lebron Fairbanks
    • Author: Dwight M. Gunter II
    • Author: James R. Couchenour
    • Page Count: 192
    • Weight: 0.04 pounds

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