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Grieving God's Way

The Path to Lasting Hope and Healing
  • By Margaret Brownley
Product Description

The loss of a loved one is devastating, and the grief that follows is often crippling. While modern Western culture has adopted an aren't-you-over-it-yet? attitude toward death and the grief it brings, the grieving process can take years.

Weeks and months go by with no visible improvement. We might even wonder if God has forsaken us. Then one day it happens: We laugh. We feel connnected, restless, maybe even hopeful. We're no longer consumed by our loss, and our thoughts turn outward. These are the first signs of healing.

Though the tendency in our fast-paced society is to suppress our grief or ignore it all together, Grieving God's Way inspires a different course of action. In this 90-day devotional Margaret Brownley provides the framework for a methodical grieving process that follows God's plan.

Grieving God's way requires us to trust that He will lead us through the darkness, heal our pain, take away our weariness, and fill our hearts with hope, peace, and new purpose. From defining what grief is to validating its importance, Brownley gives us the components necessary to find God within our sorrow and grieve with Him.

Divided into four sections, Grieving God's Way offers insight into healing our grieving body, soul, heart, and spirit. Infused with scriptures and inspirational haiku by Diantha Ain, this book motivates us to shift our grieving from man's way to God's way. . . slow and often invisible but with truly amazing results.

So how long does it take to grieve? As long as it takes God to heal.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780849947223
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9780849947223
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 07/09/2012
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Margaret Brownley
    • Page Count: 208
    • Width: 5.50 inches
    • Height: 0.70 inches
    • Length: 8.30 inches
    • Weight: 0.04 pounds

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