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Becoming a Girl of Grace

A Bible Study for Tween Girls & Their Moms
  • By Catherine Bird
Product Description

As a mom of two daughters, Catherine understands how unique the mother/daughter bond truly is. A few years ago, she looked tirelessly for a Bible study to share with her tween daughter. Catherine found countless options for children and teens but very few for the tween age group and none of these options were designed for moms and tween daughters to share together. Recognizing an unful lled need, Catherine wrote "Becoming a Girl of Grace."

Moms and daughters will take a closer look at some of the amazing ladies of the Bible and the character traits they model for modern tween girls. These women of yesterday have a lot to share with the girls of today Dealing with mean girls and bullies, feeling left out, and learning to like oneself are not new social dilemmas. The Bible is full of examples of strong females who chose to follow God and pursue faith despite what was happening in their world and cultures.

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    • SKU: 9780891124153
    • Publisher: ACU/Leafwood Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780891124153
    • Publication Date: 02/01/2017
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Catherine Bird

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