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The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary - eBook [ePub]

Electronic Media
Product Description
In the pages of the Bible, we come to know God through Jesus Christ. Thus the importance of the Bible for our spiritual formation cannot be overstated. If we are honest, though, the Bible is not always easy to understand. For example, the places named in the Bible can seem strange, and the number of people mentioned is virtually countless.
This comprehensive dictionary intends to help people read the Bible with increased understanding and confidence. It contains articles on major topics as well as places and people, even if they just appear in a single verse in the Bible. Its articles cover theological topics, biblical words, biblical imagery, and historical topics. This A to Z dictionary includes more than
-1,700 full-color pages
-400 color illustrations, maps, and photos
-5,000 articles by leading evangelical scholars
"The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary" is an informative, colorful, and easy-to-understand resource that will be an indispensable reference for your own personal study or in preparation for teaching.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781441238863
    • ISBN 13: 9781441238863
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 08/01/2013
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Page Count: 1792

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