Make-It is just one of four preschool Discovery Centers that kids will visit each week at FaithWeaver Friends® Preschool. During their time at the Make-It Discovery Center, preschoolers will have fun creating exciting and unique crafts that help them remember and bring meaning to each week's Bible lesson. Preschoolers are natural artists. They love using their imaginations and discovering how to express themselves. This is why the Make-It Discovery Center can be a great opportunity for hands-on Bible learning. Visual and tactile learners enjoy creating visual reminders of God’s Word to take home. Through art, children will personally connect with and apply ownership to each Bible lesson. They’ll put a bit of themselves into each week’s project and walk away with a Bible memory because they were involved. You’ll send kids home with something concrete and visual—something they made—to help them remember. One is included in each Preschool Kit.