Our Stories of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior is a Christian guidebook on how believers can better understand same-sex attraction and what it could mean for those dedicated to belief in the Lord. Using a combination of first-hand narratives, research, and biblical commentaries, the author provides readers with a comprehensive collection of lessons and advice for Christians who themselves feel same-sex attraction or for their friends, family, and fellow church members. With a topic often cast in vitriol and polemics, readers should take to heart the author's honest and genuine sense of care for his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
-Our Stories of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior is a powerful read for the entire Christian church, Christian leaders and especially for those who are experiencing same-sex attraction.- - Rev. Anthony Evans, President, National Black Church Initiative
-Our Stories of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior- is a compassionate, truthful, and -very- -very- valuable resource for the Church -Dr. Eddy K. Lau, Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counselors