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  • By Bill Delvaux
Product Description

It's in the movies we see. It's in the news we hear. It's in the stories we tell. Every man is stirred by the heroic.

From boyhood, we search for heroes, starting with our fathers. But somewhere along the way, all our heroes disappoint us. And our attempts to be a hero fair no better, leaving us confused and unsure. Yet the heroic longing never leaves us.

We want to be that heroic man, but we do not know how. Jesus does.

He is the great Hero of all time. And He calls men to follow Him. As we follow, we will quickly realize that the path is surprising. He will first lead us into a place of fear and trembling. He will lead us into death. It is our initiation as men into the new life of the heroic. But the death will be followed by a stunning resurrection. We will find out our true names before Him and be given a heroic quest for His kingdom. And most importantly, we will discover the secret of true greatness, letting our lives go to serve others.

In the end, we become most heroic in the silence of His presence. Here we will feel His love, as he remakes us into His heroic image, uniting us to Himself.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781535939447
    • Manufacturer: B&H PUB GROUP
    • ISBN 13: 9781535939447
    • Publication Date: 04/02/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Bill Delvaux

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