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Product Description
The Spirit who inspired the authors of the New Testament is at work today around the globe, as evidenced by the explosive growth of Pentecostal, charismatic, and renewalist movements; the number of adherents is now estimated at more than half a billion. There is a clear need for a balanced, affordable, and accessible commentary series aimed at Christians who identify as Spirit-filled.

The Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament series emphasizes how we listen alongside ancient audiences for the Spirit's voice in our time and contexts. Commentaries are written by pastorally sensitive biblical scholars from the Spirit-filled tradition. Series editors are Holly Beers, Westmont College, and Craig S. Keener, Asbury Theological Seminary.

In Romans, pastor, scholar, and speaker Sam Storms demonstrates the inseparable bond between Word and Spirit, awakening the Pentecostal-charismatic world to the functional authority of the Bible and the evangelical world to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Images, illustrations, and sidebars on Pentecostal/charismatic/revival history or insights are included.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781540964137
    • Publisher: BAKER ACADEMIC
    • ISBN 13: 9781540964137
    • Publication Date: 10/29/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Craig Keener
    • Author: Sam Storms
    • Author: Holly Beers

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