Following in the footsteps of the two earlier teaching series of the 1950s and 1970s, these volumes seek to reveal the distinctive vision Anglicanism offers for the people of God today. Each book includes a study guide and a list of additional resources. The series is designed for wide parish use, including adult education, classes for inquirers and newcomers, the adult catechumenate, parish libraries, and study groups throughout the church year.
Rebecca Lyman introduces us to the world of the early church. Beginning with the Jewish, Greek, and Roman cultures in which the first followers of Jesus lived and worshiped, she traces the growth of the Christian church's theology, worship, leadership, and ethics through its first six centuries. Lyman offers perceptive insights into the early church's intense conflicts that reveal the often thin line between orthodoxy and heresy, between true and false teachers, and among the many competing versions of Christianity.