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I'd Rather Die on the High Ground

Gripping Stories of Triumph Over the Powers of Darkness and Persecution from a Nigerian Mission Field
  • By Namani J. Nharrel
Product Description
Are you afraid to die for your faith?"

She answered, "No! Let the persecutors come and do their worst. After all, it is better to die on a higher ground than to die in the valley."

As a missionary to the Kamuku people in Northwestern Nigeria in the '90s, I thought I was bringing the gospel to villages in the darkness of sin and idolatry. But the new believers' faith challenged me!

I witnessed God's power to transform lives: women burned their idols, demons were cast out, and sick people were healed. Poisoned, under spiritual attack, and disowned by their families, they boldly exposed the falsehood of their former ancestral worship. And God gave them miraculous victory!

Even today, as they suffer kidnapping and terrorism that has put their remote region in the global news, these believers stand strong in their faith.

As you read the short stories of these ordinary believers and the accompanying biblical reflections in I'd Rather Die on the High Ground, you'll be blown away by our extraordinary God. Be inspired to pray with daring faith in our almighty God and to proclaim his deeds among the nations.

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    • SKU: 9781594528637
    • Publisher: OASIS INTL
    • ISBN 13: 9781594528637
    • Publication Date: 11/21/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Namani J. Nharrel

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