Knowing the Word of God is a key for our spiritual growth and maturity. "Pearls of Wisdom" is a collection of messages and bible studies of some main characters of the Bible. The messages of this book concern our daily Christian life; from the problems of Loneliness, Anger, Rejection, Fear that everyday Christian may face, we will learn through the biblical stories how God taught us eternal lessons. From the story of Ruth to the story of Joseph you will learn about love, endurance and how God build the character of his children before using them. The wisdom of God is immeasurable, in this book, we are receiving some Pearls of His Wisdom to perfect and mature in our walk in Christ. Paulette Mpouma is a Christian mother of four children. She had her first Miracle when she was 9 years old and since then she has never stopped asking God to use her to serve Him. Paulette is a Minister of Reconciliation and Deliverance in her local Church, Bethel world outreach ministries, where she serves. The Lord blesses her with a gift of revelation that she is using in her writings. "Pearls of Wisdom" is her second book where she reveals different messages received through fellowship with the Holy Spirit.