Lord Jesus' first word, coming out of the 40 days in the wilderness where He defeated Satan, was "Repent" -the Kingdom is at hand. To repent is to decide to change direction from one's own mindset and ways of the world and the flesh to God's better Way of life. To repent is to die to self-rule. Repentance is also a key discipline to cleanse from old sin strongholds, to be ready as His Bride without spot or wrinkle for the soon-coming Bridegroom, the Returning Jesus Christ. Repentance is rarely taught; ignorance abounds that freedom and joy follow repentance. This key book offers a unique small group 14 session process to purify, to experience His Joy, to become more like Him.
Pastor Jeffrey Daly, a former Wall Street lawyer, committed to serving Christ in 1991. He and his wife, Laurie, served as pastors of Jesus Christ Fellowship, Middletown, California. Retired from his legal practice, Pastor Jeff writes, teaches, and works with national repentance and prayer ministries in the United States and other nations.
In addition to founding the National Day of Repentance he's also a director of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Washington, D.C. This is his fifth book. He is also the author of The Spiritual Battle for the White House, Making America Godly Again, Call on God's Protection Mr. President, and River & Streams in the Desert--the Forty Forties of Scripture, a Forty-Day Repentance Devotional.