As you begin to put your troubles and situations in the hands of God, things will begin to change for you. Never feel that you are alone because you're not. This book was wrote to inspire and push people all across the world in the area of prayer. My heart is for people that is facing challenging situations in there life to the point that they can't find a way to pull through. Reading this book will help you to strengthen your prayer life and help you get closer to God Keep in mind that you were created to communicate with God by way of prayer. I desire for you to grow spiritually & mentally so you can establish a solid relationship with the Father in heaven. You will begin to know that PRAYER is the key to shifting your way of thinking and changing your life for the better. Many are hurting, broken, and depressed, but the good news is -- you can be restored and put back together again because of God's faithfulness and love for you. Change is good for the mind, body and soul. You are responsible for the outcome when you face hard times because a solution was given to you to activate. Get ready for a LIFE CHANGING experience as your journey will teach you how to witness an answered prayer.
Porscha Dorsey is an ordained Minister at New Direction Christian Center of Miami Lakes, FL. Gifted with a strong and powerful prayer ministry. She's a volunteer chaplain and has her certificate with National Council for Behavior Health mental health first aid. She has multiple other certificates that explains the prayer call that's on her life. Her family and those that are close in her heart is what gives the drive to her divine purpose. This Woman of God's goal is to draw many people as she can to Jesus Christ through prayer. She believes in the power of Prayer, and this is why she saw fit to encourage and help those that struggles with connecting with God. Her mission is to reach the heart of mankind yet desires for people to build an intimate relationship with God through prayer.