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Navigating True North

My Journey from Blind Faith to Bold Faith
  • By Natalie Dee Latzka
Product Description

In the uncertainty of today's world, many feel lost, often leading to anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. Attorney Natalie Dee Latzka knows this feeling well.

When life got difficult, Latzka begged God to help her. His deafening silence left her doubting the faith she had been promised would protect her and intellectually questioning everything she once believed.

As an attorney, Latzka understood the importance of evidence, yet it had become painfully apparent she had somehow accepted blind faith. Despite being raised Christian, she could barely articulate what she believed, much less provide evidence for why she believed it.

Lost and determined to find direction, she set out on a journey searching for answers to difficult questions:

● Is there evidence that God exists?

● Who is God?

● What does God want from me?

Readers are invited to along on Laztzka's journey from blind faith to evidenced-based bold faith--to examine and weigh the evidence for themselves.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781632695581
    • Publisher: Deep River Books
    • ISBN 13: 9781632695581
    • Publication Date: 07/29/2021
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Natalie Dee Latzka

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