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Walking by Faith and Not by Sight

(It Pays Off)
  • By Natasha Scott
Product Description

Are you looking to take a walk by faith, knowing that your life is going to change greatly and bring you to success? If so, come along on this dynamic journey-it pays off.
Walking by Faith and Not by Sight tells the story of an average woman who, with God's help and strength, overcame some unusual situations. Author Natasha Scott had big dreams of being successful, wealthy, and independent; she had planned to become a registered nurse. Then she got off course and found herself facing a variety of trials and tribulations: lust, abuse, depression, despair, addiction, hopelessness, and blindness. But through walking by faith, she discovered a new awakening and has conquered the troubles that she has encountered in her life. When she first found Christ, He found her lost, hopeless, heartbroken, and insecure-a single mother with two children trying to find joy in her life. Now she shares her story to uplift and encourage those going through similar situations.
Offering encouragement and hope, this personal narrative and testimony tells one woman's life story of facing and overcoming various struggles by leaning on God.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781664249561
    • Publisher: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781664249561
    • Publication Date: 11/17/2021
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Natasha Scott

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