Big and Bold: Teaching Kids to Live Their Faith Courageously is a 4-day event guide to assist in teaching kids from kindergarten through 4th grade about what it means to live for Jesus. Using a fun circus theme as the backdrop, children enjoy lessons featuring key Bible characters who teach us how to love, have peace, practice goodness, and keep Jesus at the center of our lives. This book acts as a plan for a Big and Bold event, step-by-step. Information is provided to help recruit volunteers, obtain supplies, decorate the event area, and teach the kids. Each lesson plan provides ideas for the opening skit, Bible lesson, crafts, snacks, and games. Big and Bold is versatile enough to be used as a 4-day, one time event or spread out over a month. The material is appropriate for Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings, or summer programs. The book can be used as a guide, and allows for creativity and flexibility in choosing the games or other activities that work the best for each class.