What would you do if you were told you had a terminal disease in your twenties and given three years to live? What would you do if your doctor told you to go home and plan your funeral? Jeff Lester, diagnosed with ALS in 1993, faced this dilemma when he was twenty-six. Unmarried and childless, he was advised to plan a party, since that was all Jeff could look forward to with the remaining part of his life. By reading this story, find your way to a happier and more fulfilling life no matter the obstacles you have in your life and along the way, DISCOVER YOUR GREATER PURPOSE
The day Jeff Lester was diagnosed with ALS started his darkest days. Life was over in his mind at that moment. Single and before his 27th birthday, the prospects were bleak. Any glimmer of hope was squashed in December 1993. The doctor told Jeff he would be lucky to see the age of thirty, so plan a big party as a pseudo funeral. What? When someone doesn't have much life experience to celebrate that advice falls flat. Jeff was adrift in despair, thus started his winter of discontent. Who would blame him for giving up? Something happened on the way to his funeral.
God had other plans.
Jeff's story is about the destruction of the life he expected to live then rebuilding a new, more purposeful life out of its ashes.Along the way, he weathers massive storms and overcomes what seems to most people insurmountable odds. It occurs while he endures the daily challenges created by the devastation from one of the worst diseases experienced.
Ultimately, it is a story about being led into the light emerging from the darkness that enveloped his life even before ALS entered it. Jeff learns to focus on the blessings in his life instead of what he has lost and the difficulties he faces. Jeff shares the lessons he learned and what is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life with greater purpose.
Anyone who struggles with a problem in their life will find inspiration from Jeff's story to overcome it and see better days.