A highly challenging call to respond with our whole hearts to Christ. To follow our Saviour is not about being nice. It's about taking risks.
Simon writes: 'There's a battle going on for our hearts. What I watch, what I listen to, what I spend my time and money on - all these erode my true sense of identify and worth as a child of God. Where is the vigilance, the discernment, the scrutiny? Our hearts are far too precious to treat with such lax indifference...
I want to play my part in turning the world upside down; I want to be fearless, bold, uncompromising and passionate in reaching out to the lost on behalf of the King of Kings; I never want to get over the grace of God.
Table of Contents:
Part One: Radical Discipleship - How can I live radically?
1. Risky Business
2. What Do You Mean?
3. Trust
4. Hanging in There
5. Time on Our Knees
Part Two: Radical Discipleship - Why live radically?
6. Choose Life!
7. Death and Glory
8. High Stakes
Part Three: Radical Discipleship - What will radical living look like?
9. Dreamers of the Day
10. A Fair Share
11. Got to Go!
12. Total Surrender
Conclusion: So What's it Worth?
Study Guide