Cokesbury's exciting 2021 VBS program invites everyone to explore the ways God's great light shines in the world, and shows them how they can reflect that light in their own lives.
From a whimsical lighthouse on an enchanted island, Explorers are guided by a Lighthouse Keeper and Beacon the Puffin on an exciting quest to find five mysterious Infinity Lanterns to help light their way. Using map coordinates from their Reference Book (the Bible), children discover clues to finding each Lantern while learning how God's light shines in the lives of familiar biblical characters in Old and New Testament stories.
Participants will:
Learn about God's creation and strive to care for it
Be encouraged to trust God even when fearful
Understand how to act on their faith
Celebrate God's work in their lives
Be reminded to share God's hope
Discovery on Adventure Island One Room VBS is perfect for churches who want to offer VBS but don't have a large number of kids and/or volunteers. One Room VBS can be done with as few as two leaders and in just one room and is for ages 3-12. Each of the 5 Sessions include Activities, Bible Story, Science, Active Learning Option, Recreation, Crafts, and Music. One Room VBS curriculum is easy for churches to customize!
Kit includes:
One Room VBS Leader Guide
Complete Music CD
Bible Adventure Video DVD/CD-ROM
Younger Reproducible Fun Pages
Older Reproducible Fun Pages
Small Promotional Poster