"An Introduction to Education in Bible Times is an in-depth study of God's methods of educating the ancient Israelites and the early followers of Jesus. Using a meticulous analysis of biblical texts, Chris demonstrates the central role of education for the Jewish people, as he traces the theme of teaching and learning from the creation of man through the creation of Israel and the apostolic church. Both Jewish and Christian students of Scripture will greatly benefit from this thought-provoking study of education in biblical times and its pivotal role in the spiritual formation of God's people. I would highly recommend this work for personal study and practical implementation in the classroom." -
Igal German, Ph.D., Centre for Jewish Studies at York University, and Shiloh University.
"An Introduction to Education in Bible Times is a bridge-builder between times and cultures. Chris Reeves' explanation of the Jewish background of religious education both before and during Jesus's time helps us to more clearly understand the concept of "making disciples" the way Jesus did. This book presents a refreshing and informative guide to fulfilling the Great Commission through discipleship (Matthew 28:18-20). It is a must-read for disciples and disciple-makers." -Nicholas A. Venditti, Ph.D. and Leona K. Venditti, Ed.D., Co-founders, INSTE Bible College.