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Seeing and Showing the Unseen

Using Cognitive Linguistics in Preaching Images and Metaphors
  • By Adam Szumorek
Product Description

As humans, we think in images and cannot do otherwise. Thus, metaphor and imagery, often viewed as complex literary devices, are in fact the very building blocks of human thought and essential components for understanding the nature of God.

Exploring how the God of Scripture reveals himself through metaphor and imagery, Dr. Adam Szumorek utilizes Cognitive Linguistics to help students, teachers, and preachers understand how meaning is communicated in Scripture and conceptualized within the human brain. He provides a theological framework for applying Cognitive Linguistics in biblical exegesis, demonstrating its value in aiding our understanding of biblical texts and in communicating that understanding to others through sermons that speak to people's minds, hearts, and imaginations. Both richly conceptual and deeply practical, this book equips readers to communicate the unseen, allowing others to taste, touch, and see the invisible yet incarnate God.

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    • SKU: 9781839737930
    • ISBN 13: 9781839737930
    • Publication Date: 10/31/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Adam Szumorek

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