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Even When

Experiencing God's Presence During Difficult Days
  • By Sara Cormany
  • Foreword by Mary Southerland
Product Description

From award-winning author Sara Cormany, Even When is a raw and reflective devotional that ushers readers into God's presence during difficult times and reminds us that even our hardest stories are written by the hand of a good God.

In these uniquely challenging and unprecedented post-pandemic times, the notion that God's goodness ensures an easy journey has been met by the unfaltering truth that life is hard. It's not a question of if there will be trials, but when. Sara Cormany knows this reality all too well. However, through personal health complications and family tragedy, she has chosen to believe that Jesus is enough.

Even When beautifully weaves together the inevitability of hard times with the unyielding heart of God's goodness and inspires readers to experience His presence amid the storm in their lives. Each devotion begins with an "Even when..." statement, followed by a poignant personal story, a Bible verse, and a thought-provoking question that will encourage readers to embrace the truth that God is enough -- even in our darkest moments.

This powerful devotional helps readers to:

  • Become more comfortable with the difficult truth that life not only can, but will be hard.
  • Reflect on where God has shown up in their own hardships.
  • Experience God's goodness while enduring life's challenges.
  • Explore what it looks like to "suffer well" and trust God as Jesus did on the Cross.
  • Love God and know God's love in a fallen world.

Vulnerable and authentic, Even When strikes a universal chord and points readers toward the heart of God's goodness in even the most challenging of circumstances, knowing that even when life is hard, He is always good.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781947297760
    • Publisher: Dexterity
    • ISBN 13: 9781947297760
    • Publication Date: 02/02/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Mary Southerland
    • Author: Sara Cormany

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