"Build Thou the Walls of Jerusalem" and "True Light" are two of the many sermons delivered by Pastor Paul Sudhakar.
Today, there are many believers who are not leading a fruitful Christian life either because they are guilty of some sin they've committed or they're faced with so many questions that they are lost in finding a biblical answer.
Pastor Paul Sudhakar, through his sermon series on "Build Thou the Walls of Jerusalem" and "True Light," explains many of these questions.
"Build Thou the Walls of Jerusalem" is an in-depth study on what happens when a believer sins. Through the prayer that King David makes in Psalms 51, Pastor Paul Sudhakar has explained the following points:
1. What led David to sin? And how should a believer watch out at present times?
2. Can God not bless and restore us in the same way that he did with King David?
The second sermon, "True Light," is emphasized on the verse "let there be light." It talks about how without the true light, darkness, emptiness, and ugliness is spread all over. It explains the impact of true light shining on three individuals: Zacchaeus, Job, and John the Baptist. It correlates how a God of multitude is also a God of an individual. Though he ministered to the larger crowds, he still took time to seek out individuals and minister to their needs.