The impossibility of forgiving another as we have been forgiven was intended to drive us to our knees. When our lives are shredded in the proclamation of Him who pardoned the undeserving, we are propelled into the only Refuge we have-the Redeemer who bought us back from the dead and now enables us to serve in His style of ministry.
From where do our reserves come when expenditures are daunting? Where do we find strength to persevere? And how are we to not lose heart when, longing to see others captivated by the Lord's love, we fail to witness any fruitfulness in the long-suffering?
Through the Biblical meditations offered in Captivators for Christ, the reader is invited to contemplate the cross-where all of the forfeitures and losses of extending forgiveness are eclipsed by the lavish and matchless love of God, our Rescuer.