This book is an attempt to synthesize the logic of mathematics, organizational behavioral/ management policy of an MBA and ecclesial scholarship of a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership into the pages of one book. This book begins with the premise that, similar to corporate leaders, faith-based leaders are also capable of implementing these skills and resources to maximize the efficiency of church organizations. It is critical that they have a full toolkit of resources to leverage when administering their organizations. It also acknowledges and recognizes that a life fully engaged in active ministry doesn't necessarily allow time to pursue degrees in each of the aforementioned subjects. As a result, Dr. Bell has attempted to create a medium through which ecclesial practitioners and scholars may review these various topics to obtain insight. Similar to
survey courses in college, readers should see it as a beginning point for further exploration. Take from it what you will and apply it to your God-given vision. Use it as a springboard to the progressively revealed Will of God for the effective administration of your call.