This is a Saga of a young pilot taking on a whole new world with some amazing results. But why not? He learned to fly a helicopter before he'd ever ridden in any airplane. His roots in the Texas Panhandle, he discovers the many faces of some Caribbean Islands: Puerto Rico, Saint Thomas, Jamaica, and the Grand Cayman Islands. An affair with a famous actress while in Mazatlan, Mexico, propelled him to even meet President Nixon.
This tale tells of inter-racial love in 1970-71, romancing a girl of color was unheard of in his world. Until he met Gabriella Marie Antoinette of Saint Thomas of the U. S. Virgin islands.
Rocky Don Stone loved surfing, playing rock-n- roll, snow skiing, and learning about Anthropology & American history. He unknowingly found the right mentors, friends to help him along his path.
What Stone did with his Lottery money becomes core in this story: the makings of a selfless man bent on sharing his good fortune after being raped on camera.
Prayers were offered at meals among his new friends although not really church goers.