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Preparing for Marriage Leader's Guide

Product Description
Point Them in the Right Direction Before They Walk Down the Aisle

Married couples begin their lives together with a vow of lifelong love and devotion . . . but many walk down the aisle unaware of all that promise entails. Now you can help engaged couples make their vows with open eyes and hearts, fully prepared for the hard and rewarding work of building a strong and lasting Christian marriage.

Created by FamilyLife, one of America's leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive premarital education program designed to lay the foundation for biblical, fulfilling marriage. As a supplement to Preparing for Marriage, the Preparing for Marriage Leader's Guide is an invaluable tool for pastors, premarital counselors, mentor couples, and small group leaders. Inside is everything you need to help engaged couples establish a lasting relationship built on an unshakable foundation: Jesus Christ.

The Preparing for Marriage Leader's Guide will help you:
- Counsel an engaged couple or lead a small-group study for couples
- Share God's unique blueprints for marriage and the home
- Help couples discern God's will for their relationship
- Provide practical guidance on finances, responsibilities, and intimacy
- Evaluate a couple's readiness for marriage after counseling
- Create a mentoring couples program and develop mentoring relationships
- Build healthy, Christ-centered marriages in the Church
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  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780764215490
    • Publisher: Bethany House Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780764215490
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 04/17/2010
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Dennis Rainey
    • Page Count: 112
    • Weight: 0.02 pounds

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    This item is available for return. At Cokesbury, we offer various expedited shipping methods for an additional charge during checkout. However, products with long lead times and those shipped from a Cokesbury Connect Partner are not eligible for expedited shipping. If you select expedited shipping at checkout and your order includes items that cannot be expedited, you will receive a notice explaining that not all items are eligible.