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Grandparents in the Bible

Product Description
Grandparents in the Bible
Prolific author, college and seminary professor, and co-founder of Liberty University, Elmer Towns has written a second Teaching Series consisting of six profound books designed to stir your spirit and increase your biblical knowledge. Grandparents in the Bible is the first of six volumes. Books to follow include: The Ten Commandments According to Jesus; 7 Indispensable Words for Effective Prayers; Habits of the Heart; When God Is Silent; What Is Right? Intriguing titles with even more intriguing content.
Being a grandparent is one of the most fulfilling experiences in life-fulfilling God's cycle of life placed within every person. When godly grandparents pass along their Christian heritage to another generation, those grandchildren can carry on that legacy, and on and on it goes, each family perpetuating God's plan to grow His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
In this book you will learn how:
    Jacob was confronted by God; and at the end his life, he passed on a holy heritage to his grandchildren.Naomi and her husband turned their backs on God. But she returned to her godly roots and raised her grandson for God-who became the grandfather of King David. Asa's father, grandfather, and grandmother were evil influences. Yet in spite of an ungodly heritage, Asa led the people back to God. Noah was a man of faith who built a boat and saved the world. Both the positive and negative impacts of Grandfather Noah are seen in this chapter. Lois raised her daughter Eunice to live for God. With very little support, the grandmother and mother trained Timothy to became a godly leader in the early church. Paul produced Timothy who produced a third generation who produced a fourth generation of Christians (2 Timothy 2:2).

Designed for maximum reading pleasure as well as study enjoyment, Grandparents in the Bible provides in Part One: in-depth character stories and take-away lessons. Part Two offers 50 Daily Devotions focused on relevant Scriptures and space to write your personal reflections. Part Three includes six specific lessons to use individually and/or in a small group or Sunday School class setting. Part Four presents a comprehensive PowerPoint Guide (100 slides) to be used as part of a group discussion and/or teaching. Additional online resources are also available to further explore the topic of Grandparents in the Bible.
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    • SKU: 9780768475944
    • Publisher: Destiny Image Inc
    • ISBN 13: 9780768475944
    • Publication Date: 06/06/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Elmer L. Towns

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