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Plough Quarterly No. 25 - Solidarity

  • By James Gurney, Emmanuel Katongole, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Product Description
The summer of 2020 has shown us how much we all depend on one another.

Whatever else they do, pandemics show us we are not alone. Covid-19 is proof that, yes, there is such a thing as society; the disease has spread precisely because we aren't autonomous individuals disconnected from each other, but rather all belong to one great body of humanity. The pain inflicted by the pandemic is far from equally distributed. Yet it reveals ever more clearly how much we all depend on one another, and how urgently necessary it is for us to bear one another's burdens.

It's a good time, then, to talk about solidarity. The more so because it's a theme that's also raised by this year's other major development, the international protests for racial justice following George Floyd's death. The protests, too, raised the question of solidarity in guilt, even guilt across generations. By taking up our common guilt with all humanity, we come into solidarity with the one who bears it and redeems it all. In Christ, sins are forgiven, guilt abolished, and a new way of living together becomes possible. This solidarity in forgiveness gives rise to a life of love.

This issue of Plough explores what solidarity means, and what it looks like to live it out today, whether in Uganda, Bolivia, or South Korea, in an urban church, a Bruderhof, or a convent.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780874863543
    • Publisher: Plough Pub House
    • ISBN 13: 9780874863543
    • Publication Date: 09/08/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Emmanuel Katongole
    • Author: James Gurney
    • Author: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

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