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Reading the Bible Latinamente

Latino/A Interpretation for the Life of the Church
  • By Carroll R. M. Daniel, Miguel G. Echevarría, Ruth Padilla Deborst
Product Description
The Bible is important to Latino/a Christians living in America, playing a central role in their lives and churches. These believers have unique experiences and backgrounds that influence the way they read, understand, and apply Scripture. Reading the Bible Latinamente encourages these readers to recognize and embrace their social location and lived realities in reading Scripture. Three prominent evangelical Latino/a scholars and ministry practitioners combine their diverse experiences and expertise in biblical studies, theology, and missiology to provide an accessible resource that speaks to the lives of everyday people.

The authors discuss biblical interpretation from the Latino/a diaspora and provide examples from both New and Old Testament texts. Topics include reading in community and wrestling with identity and mission in the diaspora. Latino/a students and lay readers will be encouraged in their own reading of the Scripture and in the contributions they make to the North American and global church, while believers from other backgrounds will benefit from the perspectives and contributions of their Latino/a brothers and sisters.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781540966568
    • Publisher: BAKER ACADEMIC
    • ISBN 13: 9781540966568
    • Publication Date: 10/29/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Ruth Padilla Deborst
    • Author: Carroll R. M. Daniel
    • Author: Miguel G. Echevarría

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