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Racism in the Church; Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree

Product Description
No one in their right mind would willingly turn a rattlesnake loose in their home Yet people everywhere are doing it right now. They're throwing open the doors of their lives and communities to a spiritual snake so deadly that, according to the Bible, it brings with it "every evil work." They're making themselves vulnerable to a demonic enemy whose aim is to steal, kill and destroy, and whose strategy is to divide and conquer. This evil snake has slithered its way into our marriages, families, churches, towns, cities and governments, and its divisive onslaught has left a wake of carnage and destruction. Who is this enemy, and how can it be stopped? Kenneth Copeland pulls back the veil to reveal the true culprit behind racial tension, marital strife and political enmity, and reveals the real answer to restoring unity and peace to our beleaguered families, cities and nation.
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    • SKU: 9781604633252
    • Publisher: Kenneth Copeland Pubn
    • ISBN 13: 9781604633252
    • Publication Date: 06/15/2016
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Kenneth Copeland

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