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Autism and Seven Miracles

  • By Larry Keefauver, Tim Calhoun
Product Description
Autism and SEVEN MIRACLES unveils abundant miracles... MIRACLES are a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore to be the work of the work of a divine. - Miracle #1. God gave me forgiveness. - Miracle #2. God gave me a son at 40. - Miracle #3. God gave me a wife to help with Nathaniel' my was an orphan and she was understanding. - Miracle #4. God gave my son speech through the doctors and hard work through his teachers and family. - Miracle #5. God gave (James Williams Davis) forgiveness in his last days. - Miracle #6. God and doctors gave me life back after triple bypass and a massive heart attack and kidney failure. - Miracle #7. God and doctors healed me from cancer. THANK YOU, GOD, FOR FORGIVENESS AND HEALING! GIVE MIRACLES TO EVERY READER OF THIS BOOK. IN JESUS' NAME, TIM CALHOUN! "Our God is a miracle-working God. He is Jehovah-Rapha, The God Who Heals! Tim and his family have experienced physical, relational, emotional, mental, and spiritual healings in abundance. In Sid Roth's words, what is revealed in this pages is how to live a Christian life that's naturally supernatural! Get ready for your miracle now!" Dr. Larry Keefauver, International Teacher and Bestselling Author of Smith Wigglesworth on Healing, Smith Wigglesworth on Prayer, Smith Wigglesworth on Faith. God lead me to write this book from a small child. I now give God all the glory in my older years. I encourage ever one to read your bible and find the truth out for your self, I Pray it will bless you all. Thanks for being a friend of God and reading my book. Tim Calhoun
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781662889127
    • Publisher: Xulon Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781662889127
    • Publication Date: 12/30/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Larry Keefauver
    • Author: Tim Calhoun

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