A Nondualistic Pentecostal Theology: Exploring Dialectics and Becoming through Amos Yong and Slavoj Zizek invites readers to think through a dialectical theology for the third millennium, grounded in nonduality and expressed from a pentecostal perspective. Amos Yong has developed such a theology, providing a valuable foundation for a nondualistic approach, though his work stops short of achieving a fully coherent nondualism. Through Pentecost-inspired themes, systematic complexity, and interdisciplinary input, Yong highlights the diverse voices of pentecostal theology, yet he continues to speak of God in dualistic terms. Missed opportunities to move beyond dualism are identified and addressed through a coherent nondualistic framework. With the help of Slavoj Zizek, the pentecostal imagination retrieves and reconfigures the essential themes of Yong's theology and philosophy. The result is a nondualistic pentecostal theology, committed to the richness of connection and the expansive potential of becoming.