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Becoming a King Study Guide

The Path to Restoring the Heart of a Man
  • By Morgan Snyder
Product Description

God's original intention for humankind was to empower and entrust them with ruling over his creation (see Genesis 2:19-20). However, the story of most men is that being entrusted with power has led to them bringing harm to themselves and those under their care. When we look at the source of the problem, we find the issue is within our souls--we are in need of excavation and reconstruction. Jesus offers to meet us in the heart of our need and promises a way forward into fullness of life. Yet so often we are unsure about the way in. We see the invitation but have lost the map.

In Becoming a King, Morgan Snyder describes how as a young man serving alongside John Eldredge, he relentlessly engaged these deep questions of how to use power and grow as a leader. Over the course of two years, he sought counsel from the most respected men that he could find in the organization's growing network of influence. As he distilled these men's counsel, the outline of the path he was seeking emerged . . . an ancient path that generations of saints throughout human history have traveled before.

As Morgan explains, this is a map for the journey of inner transformation. It is an invitation into a radical reconstruction of much of what we have come to believe about God, ourselves, and the meaning of life. Traveling the path isn't cheap, easy, or quick. Few find it. Even fewer choose to stay the course, fight the good fight, win the race, and keep the faith. But it is this heroic journey that leads to life--real life.

Since the publishing of Wild at Heart nearly two decades ago, there has been a slow and steady groundswell of masculine restoration. This study represents both the fruit of that work and the next steps to take men deeper into the more that is being offered . . . walking them through what it is to live deeply rooted and to be powerful God's way.

Designed for use with the Becoming a King Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780310115243
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • Author: Morgan Snyder
    • ISBN 13: 9780310115243
    • Publication Date: 06/16/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds
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