Cokesbury offers a robust selection of curriculum for churches and groups of any size. Suitable for Sunday school classes, you will find a variety of offerings for Children and Youth and a variety of VBS options.
HeartShaper leads kids to discover and read verses and stories from the Bible. New details are added to key Bible stories, and kids are engaged in doing what God asks them to do.
HeartShaper stays true to the Bible and builds on age-appropriate spiritual development principles for toddlers through preteens. It integrates Bible skills into each lesson, building on each other from one age level to the next, and helps kids learn to explore God’s Word and the direction it gives them.
HeartShapers teaches more than just values—kids dig into questions, such as “What does this teach me about God?” and “Why is this story important to me?” It provides more than just fun and entertainment—kids open their Bibles, participate in interactive Bible learning, and grow spiritually.
HeartShaper features 2+ hours of correlated curriculum for all 3 early childhood levels. It makes teaching easy and learning fun—with 1 focus per lesson and our unique Quick Step™ activities and doesn’t stop with head knowledge—kids discover how Scripture applies to their lives.
HeartShaper gives more FREE online resources to teachers—includes teacher training, The Beat option for preteens, craft ideas, and special needs resources; along with free Family Connection newsletters and includes special needs friendly activities that work well with all kids, including those with special needs—each activity approved by special needs experts.
Kids grow to know God and His Word, worship God, love God and others, serve God, and follow Jesus.
Bible skills are integrated into every lesson, and each HeartShaper age level builds on the skills taught in the one before it.
Reach kids with special needs and make a difference—in a child’s future, in a family’s church experience, and in your church and community. HeartShaper gives the resources you need to train teachers and adapt lesson activities so you can better involve the kids in your Sunday school who have special needs.
Our special-needs-friendly tips and activity adaptations are easy for teachers to identify and use!
Each quarter you will get carefully chosen, age-appropriate Bible stories and topics for all 6 age levels, integrated Bible skill activities to help kids develop the ability to find God’s answers, Bible memory activities so kids learn one Scripture verse or passage in each unity and check out the Age Level pages to explore more!
Available for PreK-K, Preschool, Early Elementary, Middle Elementary, Preteen, and Toddlers & 2’s.
Cokesbury carries a selection of Bible studies for your small groups. Discover studies for women, men, leaders, or youth. No matter the size, age, or configuration, you can discover a study that will teach, inspire, and encourage you on your faith journey.
Cokesbury is your one-stop place to shop for all your church supply needs. It is a convenient way to keep your congregation stocked with communion supplies, baptismal supplies, bulletins, certificates, candles, and even clergy apparel. Save time and money by partnering with Cokesbury.
Cokesbury features a great selection of VBS programs that are fun and easy to use from a variety of publishers and one of them is perfect for you. Cokesbury has a handy VBS comparison chart to help you see at a glance which programs have the features you want.
Cokesbury offers a full variety of Bibles for study, reference, journaling, adventure bibles for kids, and many additional formats. You will also find a variety of translations such as NRSV, NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, NLT, and featuring the Common English Bible (CEB).
Shop Cokesbury for all your Christian product needs.