A must?have resource for every Christian's library Every person faces problems of one kind or another on a daily basis. And we as Christians know the solutions are given in God's Word. But where? This incredibly comprehensive concordance organizes, in accessible A?to?Z fashion, all the Bible verses related to more than 100 different issues people struggle with, including...
- Anger
- Conflict resolution
- Depression
- Forgiveness
- Guilt
- Loneliness
- Purpose in life
- Singleness
- Temptation
- Worry
For more than 20 years, June Hunt has shared biblical counsel and guidance to the hurting via radio and printed resources. This concordance is the result of countless thousands of hours of Scripture study and ministry, and enables every believer to have at their fingertips a useful ?road map? to what the Bible says about real?life problems. A truly priceless resource great for use by individuals, friends, church groups, and anyone in Christian ministry