By Midwest Book Review Cleophus J. LaRue's Heart Of Black Preaching provides important insights on why black preaching is strong and active, connecting with the real-life experiences of listeners. Too many preachers leave God out: LaRue considers the important connections between life experiences and religion which make black preachers so effective in their communities. Another reviewer wrote: This is a super book for anyone wanting to know the history and present day dynamics of black preaching. LaRue brings forth a wealth of information on great black preachers of the past and he also draws upon current African American preachers on the American scene. He claims there is a particular way of viewing God that is distinctive to black preaching. Moreover, he argues that there are five domains or spheres of black lived experience that are very helpful to black preaching. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain a greater understanding of the particulars of black preaching and a greater understanding of how to prepare your own sermons. It is a most helpful book. Great